[2016-New] Free GreatExam SAP C_BOCR_11 Dumps VCE Download (151-160)

2016 June SAP Official New Released C_BOCR_11 Q&As in GreatExam.com!

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Although the SAP C_BOCR_11 dumps are very popular, GreatExam offers a wide range of SAP C_BOCR_11 exam dumps and will continue to release new study guide to meet the rapidly increasing demand of the IT industry.

Following questions and answers are all new published by SAP Official Exam Center: (The full version is in the end of the article!!!)

You are creating a new Crystal report using ODBC. What is the reason you do not see your database in the Select Datasource list?

A.    You have not synchronized with the database.
B.    You have to create the DSN each time you create a new report.
C.    You did not create the connection.
D.    The DSN was moved into your History folder.

Answer: C

What are three characteristics of a Full Outer Join? (Choose three.)

A.    Displays a row for records in the primary table with no matching value in the lookup table
B.    Unidirectional join that displays all records in the linked tables
C.    Displays a row for records with matching values in both tables
D.    Bidirectional join that displays all records in the linked tables

Answer: ACD

Which three statements are true about linked subreports? (Choose three.)

A.    Contains a Page Header and Page Footer
B.    Can be based on a single table or multiple tables
C.    Data is coordinated with the data of the main report
D.    Can be set to on-demand

Answer: BCD

You create the following formula: {Customer.FirstName} + ” ” + {Customer.LastName} Which function will force the earliest evaluation time?

A.    WhileReadingRecords
B.    BeforeReadingRecords
C.    EvaluateAfter
D.    WhilePrintingRecords

Answer: A

You create a product report where the product and invoice tables are not linkable due to a different data type on the primary key. Which method would you use to include invoice information in your product report?

A.    Create two separate queries in an SQL command
B.    Insert the invoice data as a linked subreport
C.    Insert the product data as a linked subreport
D.    Alias the invoice table

Answer: B

You create a Commission report for the Sales Manager. It is to be prepared at the end of each week and must list all active salespeople, whether or not they actually earned a commission for the week. You do not want negative commission amounts to be included in the report. Which record selection formula should you use for the report?

A.    (ISNULL( {Employee.Commission}) OR {Employee.Commission} >= 0.00 OR {Employee.Week#} = 35.00
B.    (ISNULL( {Employee.Commission}) OR {Employee.Commission} >= 0.00 AND {Employee.Week#} = 35.00
C.    {Employee.Commission} >= 0.00 AND {Employee.Week#} = 35.00
D.    {Employee.Commission} >= 0.00 AND ISNULL( {Employee.Commission}) AND {Employee.Week#} = 35.00

Answer: B

Which three methods can you use to remove a database link in the Database Expert? (Choose three.)

A.    Right-click each link, click Delete Link.
B.    Select a link, click Delete Link.
C.    Drag the Link outside the Links pane.
D.    On the Links tab, click Clear Links.

Answer: ABD

You run a report and discover that the tables are joined incorrectly. What could be the cause?

A.    Dynamic Table Generation is enabled.
B.    Convert Null Values to Default is disabled.
C.    Automatic Indexing is enabled.
D.    Automatic Smart Linking is enabled.

Answer: D

Your company purchases a new sales contact list and imports the records into the database. Some of the new records contain NULL values. The database record count is different than the number of rows returned in your report. What can you do to solve the record count inconsistency?

A.    Modify the group selection formula to exclude NULL values.
B.    Modify the record selection formula to exclude NULL values.
C.    Suppress formulas that check for NULL values.
D.    Suppress sections based on the NULL values.

Answer: B

Which two actions require you to use the Database Expert? (Choose two.)

A.    Linking tables
B.    Verifying the database structure
C.    Migrating data
D.    Adding tables

Answer: AD

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